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Ronald J. Dillon

The area is incorrectly named (East New York/Canarsie). Correctly it is New Lots/Old Mill. The border of the Canarsie community is about a mile to the west of the Old Mill. New Lots is the historical name of the community as far back as the colonial time when it broke away from Flatbush (the old lots). East New York was a failed real estate venture of a speculator that went on to found a community now called Woodhaven, Queens. His failed real estate venture was located in a portion of the northwest corner of New Lots and included a portion of Brownsville and Bushwick as well.

Bull Creek was not the only inlet. There was also Ralph Creek, Betts Creek, Mud Creek, and several others.

A recent Queens Chronicle article explains the City's wanton destruction of the historic community. It attempts at obliteration continue today.

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